Carly Rae Jepsen’s Grammy Win ‘Sparks’ Controversy

SATIRE | Some question why Recording Academy is backing an alleged arsonist


Jepsen at BBC Radio’s Radio 1’s Live Lounge

Fellow artists and music industry moguls got a little heated last night when Carly Rae Jepsen mentioned her “blazing” successes during her Grammy acceptance speech. Her win has been questioned in light of recent arson allegations.

Jepsen has admitted to incidents of almost committing arson. At a Los Angeles restaurant last year, for example, the Canadian pop singer knocked over a candle at the table, and the resulting fire was immediately extinguished. It was deemed an accident until it happened twice more during the dinner. No long-lasting damage was done.

In fact, Carly Rae avoided any charges altogether until an incident involving two men. Jepsen invited them to meet with her after a concert in a secluded location. When the guys questioned the rural meeting point, she spoke of a cool space there in an old barn where she “hosted” people.

“We walked into the barn, and Carly Rae was standing in front of a huge pile of fireworks, kindling, and it even looked like C-4!” the first guy reported.

The other guy continued, “She politely asked, ‘Can I light this in front of you?’ and then almost immediately threw a match on the pile. When I asked what was going on, she just said, ‘What did you think this was?’”

The guys had hoped she might put them in a music video or even hear some of the songs they had written and consider a collab. When asked why they didn’t just leave if they felt unsafe, they said, “We were so surprised. We had no idea this would happen, and then we couldn’t take our eyes off the flashing lights and flames.” The men allege that Carly Rae then mentioned not owning the property nor having permits for some of the explosives in her possession. The guys consequently reported the incident to police. Jepsen’s fans took to Twitter, decrying both men as “too sensitive.” “She invited them out to an old barn,” one fan said, “Did they think they’d get to sign a record deal?”

Loyal fans don’t see a problem with Jepsen’s behavior, and agree with the Recording Academy’s policy of not considering a nominee’s criminal activity during judging. One fan contacted us to say, “Carly Rae was actually here in my neighborhood last week, and she burned down my house. Just because I lost all my possessions and family photos, I’m not going to cry ‘arson!’ It’s not like anybody died.”

It seems fellow artists will continue to question the praising of performers who are perhaps struggling with an untreated impulse control disorder. However the fans are fired-up about her Grammy win.

UPDATE: After bringing turpentine and a lighter to a Grammy after-party, Carly Rae Jepsen was asked to leave. She went to a second party, and when found about to drop a match on a gasoline-soaked ottoman, police were called to escort Jepsen from the premises. Jepsen is recorded on body-cam footage saying, “I don’t see what’s such a big deal. I’m not hurting anyone. I can’t stop doing it. I just — I like it. I like how it feels.”

“I can’t stop doing it. I just — I like it. I like how it feels.” Louis C.K., Sincerely Louis CK, regarding (sarcastically, as an analogy) doing blackface

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I’m only asking you to question everything.

Stop taking everything for granted…it’s time to rethink the structures within which we live: heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, relationship ideals, etc.